Investigate the graph below.

CIPHERTEXT: nlmodaqerrzrugi

Step 1

If it is unimodal, apply the ciphertext with the vigenere cipher with the key "unimodal".

If it is not unimodal, apply the ciphertext with the vigenere cipher with the key "multimodal".

Step 2

If it is skewed to the left, shift the ciphertext using the caesar cipher to the left by 7.

If it is skewed to the right, shift the ciphertext using the caesar cipher to the right by 7.

If it is approximately normal, don't shift the ciphertext at all. Leave it as is.

Step 3

If there is an outlier, then reverse the text string you have.

If there is no outlier, then don't reverse it.

Last Step

Apply the vigenere cipher with the key "thisistheanswer."

Image Courtesy of Quora.